Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer 40,000 or simply Warhammer 40K is a miniature-based tabletop game. It involves building and painting your own miniature army and pit them against others' on a dioramic 6x4 or 4x4 feet table using a standardized set of game rules. Miniature armies come in various factions, from Imperial commandos to space-faring orks, each with its own background stories (what 40K players call "fluff") and combat units.

My army, a sub-faction of the Adeptus Astartes or the Space Marines, is of the so-called Dark Angels Chapter - one of thousands of regiments of bio-enhanced supersoldiers created by the Emperor of Man to impose his will throughout the grim universe of the 41st millennium.

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Dark Angels of the Adeptus Astartes
The Dark Angels Chapter is first among legions of Space Marines bred by the Emperor from his own genetic imprints. Enhanced physiologically for combat operations, they are literally Angels of Death in the battlefield, sowing fear to anyone who dared oppose their mandate. Their homeworld, Caliban - now reduced to a barren asteroid after an epic battle against their traitorous Brothers - holds the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery called the Tower of Angels. Here, deep within the labyrinthine pathways to the underground caverns, lies the key to their monastic nature. The Dark Angels hides a millenia-long secret that compromised their honor. It is with this reason that they and their Successor Chapters are called the Unforgiven.

The Workshop:



The Interrogator-Chaplain's Wargaming Sanctum

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Weekday Warrior Session Eight

*edited from a post in the RHGC forums

Weekday Warrior Session Eight

Attendance: Romy, Obi, Ian Kuneho, Jun

Game 1
Obi (Dark Angels) vs Romy (Emperor's Children)
Recon Gamma - 1.5K

- Obi ganged up his firing line on one flank in able to either concentrate dakka and/or secure one corridor for his fast units (Speeders & Bikes) to reach the enemy lines.
- Romyboo turbo-boosted his biker HQ right under all my dakkas' nostrils for a 2+ invul save. it effectively held for two turns. one succesful daemon summoning and i'm roasted power armor ! but alas, GW is with us that day! how they love their poster boyz , giving Romy two failed summonings.
- with the HQ back to the netherworlds and nowhere to summon but from the far side of the table where the other icon bearers were, it was just a short work of shooting them daemon squads one by one before they reach my lines.

Result: Obi won!

Game 2
Obi (Dark Angels) vs Ian (Word Bearers)
Recon Alpha - 1.5K

- rabid to avenge his Chaos brethren, Ian was able to reach my lines in just two turns. casualties on his part was most of his bikers while i got one speeder down and another immobilized (that was it for my hope of having a scoring unit to reach his deployment lines).
- I again concentrated on one flank but that flank was ravaged by a Daemon Prince. it did considerable damages before being sent back to the Warp by my Litany-inspired Assault Squad (led by a Chaplain)
- before Ian's assaulting squad could finish off everything on that side of the table, i managed to reduce them to non-scoring strength so i only have to worry now on his Predator (which I was able to destroy with a rending Assault Cannon shot), his other assaulting squad (which ran from the objective to chase my attack bikes, mouth frothing in bloodlust ), and his Dreadnought (who won Ian the game by dipping its protruding tail just past the 15" mark picture perfect! )

Result: Ian won!

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 6:48 PM               0 Incoming Transmission


Friday, August 25, 2006

Weekday Warrior Session Seven

*edited from my post in the RHGC forums

Weekday Warrior Session 7

Attendance: Romy, Gelo, Obi, Ian Beefcake, Jun, Garr

Grub: various bags of chips, Saint Mike's Lightly Brewed Concoction

Game 1
Obi (Dark Angels) vs Ian (Word Bearers)
2000pts - Take & Hold Gamma

- first turn was played Night Fight via Dusk & Dawn. combined with uber crappy dice rolls my firing line wasn't able to do much damage on his rabid bikers, ready to deliver some daemon lovin'.
- it was only second turn when the brunt of the assault hit my left flank (two dev squad firebase against squads of berzerkers, bloodletterz, and bikez) and more or less decided the game result already.
- my assault squad barely held the assaulting party, collapsing the combat to the rest of my firebases.

Result: Ian won!!!

Game 2
Jun (Tau Empire) vs Gelo (Lost and the Damned)
2000pts - Secure & Control Gamma

- Jun did the ninja vanish manuever : after deploying spread out with his mobile army, one flank zoomed to reinforce the other leaving the mutants on that side too far from the action
- two mutant mobs left to deal with: the one on the other flank and the one straight in the middle
- luckily, on the active flank, the Kroot held the ravenous mutants for some turns effectively preventing it to reach the cramped skimmers parked on that side. on the other hand, two squadrons of Piranhas blocked the advancing hoarde in the middle.
- all of these was while the Tau skimmers slowly withered down the Damned numbers with a hail of projectiles.
- i can't imagine how a lone drone could kill a mutant and a mutant boss in close combat, but they did!

Result: Jun won!!!


Thanks Romy for everything!

I've updated my Battle Stats link in the sidebar to reflect the result from my game this session.

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 3:43 PM               0 Incoming Transmission


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Weekday Warrior Sessions

Sniped from Romy's post in the RHGC forums....

Weekday Warrior Session No. 05
Friday Fantasy Battle in Makati!

Venue: In a jobsite conference room somewhere in Makati...
Attendees: Tads the Slaaneshi Lord, Gelo the Savage Orc Warbozz, Obi, the Grot Warbozz and Romy the Dark Elven Highborn Posterboy
Grub: SanMig Light (Weaklings. ), Corned Beef and Various Chips

Game 1: GeloMan (Savage Orcs) vs. Tads (Chaos Slaanesh)
Scenario: 2000pt Standard Pitch Battle

Started the session a little later compared to last time and with Gelo around, games would be a little longer considering some extra time is allowed for everyone's benefit on a refresher in the rules before or after every move. Everyone was oblivious to the time the minute Gelo made the winning move of releasing his fanatics into his wolf riders that just came into contact with some warhounds. A valuable lesson in proper spacing was taught to the Slaaneshi general as the fanatic release crossed through two warhounds and one chaos knight unit obliterating almost everyone! From then on, it proved difficult for Chaos to make up for its points deficit. Second MVP unit for O&G would probably go to the giant which caused mayhem on the battlefield and helped in the demise of the Chaos general's chosen unit.

Result: Massacre in favor of the Savage Orc Horde!

Game 2: Romy (Dark Elves) vs. Obidoo (Orcs! And lots of 'em! )
Scenario: 2000pt Standard Pitch Battle

Dark Elves had to out maneuver the stronger, tougher orcs. Romy's Dark Elves tried to pull a fast one on Obi's greenskins by marching all of his Dark riders to the center leaving Obi's right flank facing nothing on the first turn, to concentrate on slowing down the boar boyz adavance to the center thru charge baiting, dominion spells and shooting.

Things went well until until all units were at the center of the table where the battlefield is narrower due to the placement of terrain. Dark Elven contingent realized he can't sneak his dark riders between Orc formations due to close deployment. Romy was then forced to sacrifice a few dark rider units in the hopes of stalling the greenskin advance to the opposite table as well as the first RBT he can charge at. Not bad for 4 dark rider units taking on close to 2/3 of Obi's horde eh?

It was a battle of the generals in the closing rounds where the black orc boss killed off the Druchii Highborn through overwhelming Combat Res courtesy of the Big'Un flank charge to the Cold One Chariot. But thrill of victory was short lived through a flank countercharge by the Black Guard. Eternal Hatred rocks!

Result: Draw!

Gaming lasted until 2:30 in the morning(!) Great game guys! Sa uulitin!


Sniped from my post in the RHGC forums...

Weekday Warrior Session No. 06
Wednesday - Warmachine/Hordes & 40K Games!

Venue: In a jobsite conference room somewhere in Makati...
Attendees: Warlock Midnight, Bozz Badbeef, Obi Daisy Sais, BataIsip Baynte Uno, Demo Posterboi Marines
Grub: Saint Mike's Brew, chips gallore, corned beef...
Highlight: We got real terrains!

Game 1: Romy (Protectorate of Menoth) vs. Ronald (Skorne Empire)
Warmachine/Hordes (500pts?)
Result: Who won? Sorry, I was watching the other game.

Game 2: Gelodude (Speed Freakz) vs. Adama (Ultramarines)
Scenario: Recon - Gamma (1000pts)
The boyz of the Speed Kult started the game with a 30pt preliminary bombardment, destorying nothing but 3 pieces of tank traps! The warbozz's main unit of gits-carrying trukks hugged one flank of the table while the psycho bikez and buggies made good distraction units, harrassing Demo's fire bases.

Demo was able to wither these distractions and immobilized the Orkz' Battle Wagon but the flanking forces were able to disembark within enemy lines and chomp up that entire side, taking down a Whirlwind and a Devastator Squad in a boisterous Waagh!! Despite casualties in bikez and buggies, that bunch of boyz assaulting from the flank triggered a domino effect that toppled the Space Marines' lines. Speed Freakz won!

Game 3: Obidoo (Dark Angels) vs. Romyboo (Dark Eldars)
Scenario: Secure and Control - Alpha /5 markers (1000pts)
Impromptu list restructure since we only have a 4x4 so we have to downgrade to a thousand point battle. We agreed that he'll play without an HQ choice. I lined up my fire bases on one flank of the board while he divided most of his army - the Raiders on the opposite side of my deployment and the rest of the static firebases and Ravagers scattered on his frontlines.

My first two rounds of shooting sucked bigtime. That pretty much summed up my entire early turns, while he plucked my Marines one by one. Thanks to "Intractability" none of the Dark Angels ran and negated their chance to use heavy weapons. No thanks, because they shot crappy anyway. By midgame, I only managed to shoot down a Ravager while I'm down to a Tornado Speeder and a Vindicator that (thanks be to the Primarch) was able to hold until the last turn, chasing two Wych Squads off board. Too late for the crossdressers though as his uncontested Warriors hugged two markers for a win. Dark Eldars won!

Game 4: Gelo (Speed Freakz) vs. Ronald (Speed Freakz)
Scenario: Senseless Killing (500pt)
Exhibition game as Ronald and Gelo divided the 1000pt greenskin speed addicts into two 500'ers.


I've updated my Battle Statistics link to reflect my game results here.

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 11:07 AM               0 Incoming Transmission


Thursday, August 03, 2006

More Games for the Wicked!

Sniped from the RHGC Forums:

Weekday Warrior Session 4 last night at Residences!

Attendance: Justin (O'Shavah), Romy(BataIsipBenteUno), Obidoo (ObiDaisySais), Geloman (Badbeef), Pussycat Dolls (meow!)

Grubs: pizza boxes courtesy of Justin the Bday Dude, Obi's chikkin nuggets, Geloman's soda and Saint Michael's Barley... wooot! (Da warbozz's hundred bucks was photocopied and donated to the Museum of Funkiness prior to the beer cans' purchase aargh, sorry bozz.)

Obidoo (1000pt Dark Eldar) vs Gelodude (500pt Speed Freakz Orkz/500pt Lost & the Damned)
Seek and Destroy - Gamma (6x4)
Geloman wiped me out on the fourth turn

Romy (500pt Dark Eldar) vs Gelodude (500pt Speed Freakz Orkz)
Seek and Destroy - Alpha (4x4)
Geloman was wiped out by mid game

Tomorrow's session under deliberation... Warmachine o 40K pa din? Sabi nga ni Pork... "Abangan!"

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 5:31 PM               0 Incoming Transmission


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Post Sydney Updates

After getting back to Sydney, I immediately headed back to my miniature projects and gaming. I've updated "My Game Statistics" link on my latest games. I've created a mini battle report for my two first 40K games after going back from Sydney. Here they are:

Battle Report (500pts Combat Patrol)

On the outskirts of Hive Perseus, two warring Dark Eldar factions clashed to decide who will have first dibs on raiding the unsuspecting inhabitants of the Eastern Quadrant.

Dark Eldar Wych Cult (Romy-Black) vs Dark Eldar (Obi-Blue)

Table Setup: Troops 1 - Warriors on Splinterguns (both sides)
Troops 2 - Warriors on Darklances (both sides)
Blue Fast 1 - Raider with 5 Wyches
Blue Fast 2 - Raider with Dracon/5 Incubi
Black Fast 1 - Raider with 8 Wyches
Black Fast 2 - Raider with 8 Wyches

Turn 1
Romy's Kabal ought to stay in place, timing their attack. Both darklances from the Warrior squad shot over the rubbles, stunning my Dracon's Raider.

My Dracon-led Incubi retinue disembarked from their glanced transpo as the other Raider zipped to the left of my Warriors then dropped my Wyches. That same Raider let lose a darklance round on a now exposed side armour of one of Romy's own Raiders, destroying it and five Wyche passengers. Three Wyches survived the crash.

Without no other target, my Warriors' darklances shot at the opponent's Warriors, managing to kill two.

Turn 2
Still no movement from the opposing Kabal, but his darklances were able to decimate the formerly stunned Raider... my Dracon weeping, seeing his pimped-up ride in shambles.

Feeling anxious on what the other Kabal was planning, my Kabal stubbornly refrained to move but instead shot their darklances again on the opposing Warriors, killing another two. Romy's Warriors stay put despite losses.

Turn 3
The survivor Wyches charged forward and not far behind them, the second Raider disembarked its Wych squad too.

My remaining Raider activated its boosters and flew ahead of the Kabal in a foolish attempt to somehow stop the fast advancing enemy Wyches. My mistake... doh.

Warriors let lose two shots of darklances and one managed to immobilize the speeding enemy Raider, sending it plumetting right on spot. My Dracon leaping in ecstasy for vengeance for his pimp mobile.

Table Setup After 3 Turns:
Elites 1 Black - Wych Squad 1
Elites 2 Black - Wych Squad 2
HQ 1 Blue - Dracon
HQ 2 Blue - Incubi Retinue

Turn 4
The three-strong Wych squad charged forward, fleeting on their manicured foot. His Warriors made cinders out of my Wyches' Raider via their darklances, killing four of my own Wyches... only the poor Succubus remained.

My Kabal braised for the enemy Wyches' assault with the Dracon and his Incubi moving behind a nearby cover.

Turn 5
Both of his Wych squads fleeted to grip a better position. The 3-strong Wych squad assaulted my Warriors while the other squad tried to finish off the remaining Succubus. On the first combat, I lose only a single Warrior but it was enough to send the rest of his squad running in panic. The consolidating Wyches laughed themselves off nearby, preferring to watch the scared dawgs ran from battle. The Succubus did not fare any better, tortured to the last piece by the opposing Wyches.

The Warriors failed to rally and continued running. But without a fight! Their splinterguns rapid fire on the Wyches that killed one of their brethren, toasting all three to oblivion. The Dracon led his retinue through the imposing terrain in an attempt to charge the last Wyche squad but rolled 1's! I can imagine him shouting "dope!".

Turn 6
His Warriors slogged to my right flank while his Wyches rained splinter pistol rounds on my Warriors, killing three. My Warriors couldn't take pleasure on their own suffering anymore and ran offboard.

All or nothing for me. I could deny Romy the points off my Dracon and Incubi squad, but VP's from his 8-strong Wych squad and a Warrior squad that was not below half would win him the day. With nothing to lose, my HQ squad assaulted his Wych sisterhood. With only a Succubus kill under their combat belt, Romy's Wyches were in unsatiated bloodthirst, quickly decapitating three Incubi and sending em off packing home.

Romy's Kabal won and signalled for the rest of his raiding party to continue the assault towards the isolated encampent by Hive Perseus's East. Honor would be upon them when they brought back bodies to Commoragh for torture!


Battle Report (500pts Combat Patrol)

The settlements surrounding Hive Perseus, no matter how debased their situation were, are valuable to a couple of factions capitalizing on the trade of the hunt. Such is the conflict arising from the loot-searching Space Orkz and the pain-fanatical Dark Eldars. One skirmish of such nature happened when both factions' path crossed near the tunnels to the Mission.

Space Orkz (Gelo-Black) vs Dark Eldar (Obi-Blue)

Table Setup:
Troops 1 Blue - Warriors on Splinterguns
Troops 2 Blue - Warriors on Darklances
Blue Fast 1 - Raider with 5 Wyches
Blue Fast 2 - Raider with Dracon/5 Incubi
Troops 1 Black - Ork Boyz
Troops 2 Black - Ork Boyz
Troops 3 Black - Ork Boyz
Heavy 1 Black - Killa Kan
Heavy 1 Black - Killa Kan

Turn 1
The Warriors were able to spot an exposed hull of a Killa Kan and tried to decimate it in vain.

The green tide surged from afar. Rokkits from the Killa Kan were able to kill three unsuspecting Warriors while the Shoota boyz' big shoota downed another one. My pirates held on to their places despite the deaths of their comrades.

Turn 2
Both of my Raiders popped out of cover and hovered just at the right flank of my deployment bunker. The Wych-carrying Raider stunned the nearest Killa Kan while the Dracon's pimp-Raider and the avenging Warriors missed the other one with their darklances.

Still out of range with his boyz' makeshift gunz, the ork mobs can do nothing but to run as fast as their stubby legs can towards my corner of the table.

Turn 3
The Wyches' Raider activated turbo boosters and zipped to the rightmost corner of my table edge, too fast, too furious style. The Dracon's Raider just skimmed to the middle of my table edge, still avoiding to be within range of the greenskin projectile rounds.

The Warriors fired at one of the Killa Kanz and with Gork's blessing, only managed to stun it again. The Dracon's Raider however decimated the big shoota-wielding Killa Kan, the Incubi did the Macarena in ecstasy.

As usual, the combat-thirsty Orkz slogged forward and, to check if their shootas were within range, fired a whole lot of dakka on the "spiky lookin gitz". Rokkitz missed the Dracon's Raider, the Incubi retinue made faces to the gritty orkz. Shoota boyz missed the Warriors, the Eldar pirates slapped their arse towards the greenboyz. The remaining Rokkit Ladz tried their luck and wiped out the rejoicing Warriors but disappointed they din't make it closer to join the slap danz.

Table Setup by Turn 4:

Turn 4
Seeing the greentide was within assault range, both Raiders surged forward, disembarking both their loads and triggering a crucial twin darklance volleys against the Killa Kanz. Both missed! Nyargh! The Killa Kanz will join the assaulting fray next turn.

Without bearing their splinter pistols, the Dracon-led Incubi and the Wych squad assaulted the enemy's left flank. The Succubus's sisters feasted on three gitz while the Incubi will have to sit it off till the next combat since nobody's on base to base contact after the Wyches dealt casualties.

A lucky rokkit stunned the pimp-Raider as both Killa Kanz joined the chaotic mob of assaults. The Wych squad killed none, the Big Daddy Dracon killed two unlucky ladz, his Incubi bouncers mauled three more greenies, the Kan powersawed two oblivious Incubi, and the gitz only managed to gang on a lone Incubus. Lucky for me, the Orkz passed their morale check. This delayed the reinforcements for another turn.

Turn 5
On a desperate attempt, the Wyches' Raider zoomed forward the enemy's left and tried to sniped the Ork Mekboi with a darklance. Mork be with their technology! The Mekboi's makeshift bubblefield shrugged off the normally armour-piercing volley!

The Succubus cracked her agonizer whip on the ravenous Killa Kan and missed. The Dracon flayed one more Orkboy and another one bit the dust as the Incubi avenged their brethren. A blunt choppa sent one more Incubus to eternal sleep while the Wyches were just too quick for the Killa Kanz' to hit.

More rokkitz pounded the offending Raider in vain. The Mekboi, caught fuzzy while kissing his force field generator, was wounded by an Incubus. The reinforcing Orkz, who by now have joined the fray too, mobbed the Incubus, tearing him part by part. Yub yub! The Dracon and Succubus teamed up against the Killa Kanz, cracking their agonizer whips once again. Meow baby! But the Killa Kanz, showing no interest on fetish practices chopped the Dracon and killed one more Wych, making the remaining pirates scram back to Commoragh!

Orkz will party on da lootz. Nazhdreg will be a happy git.


Both games were held on the Residences at Greenbelt, Makati (Romy's office). Most of my weekday games were held there now every Wednesdays and/or Fridays. Salamats, BataIsip!

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 1:08 PM               0 Incoming Transmission


Never forgive! Never forget!