Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer 40,000 or simply Warhammer 40K is a miniature-based tabletop game. It involves building and painting your own miniature army and pit them against others' on a dioramic 6x4 or 4x4 feet table using a standardized set of game rules. Miniature armies come in various factions, from Imperial commandos to space-faring orks, each with its own background stories (what 40K players call "fluff") and combat units.

My army, a sub-faction of the Adeptus Astartes or the Space Marines, is of the so-called Dark Angels Chapter - one of thousands of regiments of bio-enhanced supersoldiers created by the Emperor of Man to impose his will throughout the grim universe of the 41st millennium.

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Dark Angels of the Adeptus Astartes
The Dark Angels Chapter is first among legions of Space Marines bred by the Emperor from his own genetic imprints. Enhanced physiologically for combat operations, they are literally Angels of Death in the battlefield, sowing fear to anyone who dared oppose their mandate. Their homeworld, Caliban - now reduced to a barren asteroid after an epic battle against their traitorous Brothers - holds the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery called the Tower of Angels. Here, deep within the labyrinthine pathways to the underground caverns, lies the key to their monastic nature. The Dark Angels hides a millenia-long secret that compromised their honor. It is with this reason that they and their Successor Chapters are called the Unforgiven.

The Workshop:



The Interrogator-Chaplain's Wargaming Sanctum

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Weekday Warrior Session Eight

*edited from a post in the RHGC forums

Weekday Warrior Session Eight

Attendance: Romy, Obi, Ian Kuneho, Jun

Game 1
Obi (Dark Angels) vs Romy (Emperor's Children)
Recon Gamma - 1.5K

- Obi ganged up his firing line on one flank in able to either concentrate dakka and/or secure one corridor for his fast units (Speeders & Bikes) to reach the enemy lines.
- Romyboo turbo-boosted his biker HQ right under all my dakkas' nostrils for a 2+ invul save. it effectively held for two turns. one succesful daemon summoning and i'm roasted power armor ! but alas, GW is with us that day! how they love their poster boyz , giving Romy two failed summonings.
- with the HQ back to the netherworlds and nowhere to summon but from the far side of the table where the other icon bearers were, it was just a short work of shooting them daemon squads one by one before they reach my lines.

Result: Obi won!

Game 2
Obi (Dark Angels) vs Ian (Word Bearers)
Recon Alpha - 1.5K

- rabid to avenge his Chaos brethren, Ian was able to reach my lines in just two turns. casualties on his part was most of his bikers while i got one speeder down and another immobilized (that was it for my hope of having a scoring unit to reach his deployment lines).
- I again concentrated on one flank but that flank was ravaged by a Daemon Prince. it did considerable damages before being sent back to the Warp by my Litany-inspired Assault Squad (led by a Chaplain)
- before Ian's assaulting squad could finish off everything on that side of the table, i managed to reduce them to non-scoring strength so i only have to worry now on his Predator (which I was able to destroy with a rending Assault Cannon shot), his other assaulting squad (which ran from the objective to chase my attack bikes, mouth frothing in bloodlust ), and his Dreadnought (who won Ian the game by dipping its protruding tail just past the 15" mark picture perfect! )

Result: Ian won!

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 6:48 PM              


Never forgive! Never forget!