Thursday, August 10, 2006
Weekday Warrior Sessions
Sniped from Romy's post in the RHGC forums....
Weekday Warrior Session No. 05
Friday Fantasy Battle in Makati!
Venue: In a jobsite conference room somewhere in Makati...
Attendees: Tads the Slaaneshi Lord, Gelo the Savage Orc Warbozz, Obi, the Grot Warbozz and Romy the Dark Elven Highborn Posterboy
Grub: SanMig Light (Weaklings. ), Corned Beef and Various Chips
Game 1: GeloMan (Savage Orcs) vs. Tads (Chaos Slaanesh)
Scenario: 2000pt Standard Pitch Battle
Started the session a little later compared to last time and with Gelo around, games would be a little longer considering some extra time is allowed for everyone's benefit on a refresher in the rules before or after every move. Everyone was oblivious to the time the minute Gelo made the winning move of releasing his fanatics into his wolf riders that just came into contact with some warhounds. A valuable lesson in proper spacing was taught to the Slaaneshi general as the fanatic release crossed through two warhounds and one chaos knight unit obliterating almost everyone! From then on, it proved difficult for Chaos to make up for its points deficit. Second MVP unit for O&G would probably go to the giant which caused mayhem on the battlefield and helped in the demise of the Chaos general's chosen unit.
Result: Massacre in favor of the Savage Orc Horde!
Game 2: Romy (Dark Elves) vs. Obidoo (Orcs! And lots of 'em! )
Scenario: 2000pt Standard Pitch Battle
Dark Elves had to out maneuver the stronger, tougher orcs. Romy's Dark Elves tried to pull a fast one on Obi's greenskins by marching all of his Dark riders to the center leaving Obi's right flank facing nothing on the first turn, to concentrate on slowing down the boar boyz adavance to the center thru charge baiting, dominion spells and shooting.
Things went well until until all units were at the center of the table where the battlefield is narrower due to the placement of terrain. Dark Elven contingent realized he can't sneak his dark riders between Orc formations due to close deployment. Romy was then forced to sacrifice a few dark rider units in the hopes of stalling the greenskin advance to the opposite table as well as the first RBT he can charge at. Not bad for 4 dark rider units taking on close to 2/3 of Obi's horde eh?
It was a battle of the generals in the closing rounds where the black orc boss killed off the Druchii Highborn through overwhelming Combat Res courtesy of the Big'Un flank charge to the Cold One Chariot. But thrill of victory was short lived through a flank countercharge by the Black Guard. Eternal Hatred rocks!
Result: Draw!
Gaming lasted until 2:30 in the morning(!) Great game guys! Sa uulitin!
Sniped from my post in the RHGC forums...
Weekday Warrior Session No. 06
Wednesday - Warmachine/Hordes & 40K Games!
Venue: In a jobsite conference room somewhere in Makati...
Attendees: Warlock Midnight, Bozz Badbeef, Obi Daisy Sais, BataIsip Baynte Uno, Demo Posterboi Marines
Grub: Saint Mike's Brew, chips gallore, corned beef...
Highlight: We got real terrains!
Game 1: Romy (Protectorate of Menoth) vs. Ronald (Skorne Empire)
Warmachine/Hordes (500pts?)
Result: Who won? Sorry, I was watching the other game.
Game 2: Gelodude (Speed Freakz) vs. Adama (Ultramarines)
Scenario: Recon - Gamma (1000pts)
The boyz of the Speed Kult started the game with a 30pt preliminary bombardment, destorying nothing but 3 pieces of tank traps! The warbozz's main unit of gits-carrying trukks hugged one flank of the table while the psycho bikez and buggies made good distraction units, harrassing Demo's fire bases.
Demo was able to wither these distractions and immobilized the Orkz' Battle Wagon but the flanking forces were able to disembark within enemy lines and chomp up that entire side, taking down a Whirlwind and a Devastator Squad in a boisterous Waagh!! Despite casualties in bikez and buggies, that bunch of boyz assaulting from the flank triggered a domino effect that toppled the Space Marines' lines. Speed Freakz won!
Game 3: Obidoo (Dark Angels) vs. Romyboo (Dark Eldars)
Scenario: Secure and Control - Alpha /5 markers (1000pts)
Impromptu list restructure since we only have a 4x4 so we have to downgrade to a thousand point battle. We agreed that he'll play without an HQ choice. I lined up my fire bases on one flank of the board while he divided most of his army - the Raiders on the opposite side of my deployment and the rest of the static firebases and Ravagers scattered on his frontlines.
My first two rounds of shooting sucked bigtime. That pretty much summed up my entire early turns, while he plucked my Marines one by one. Thanks to "Intractability" none of the Dark Angels ran and negated their chance to use heavy weapons. No thanks, because they shot crappy anyway. By midgame, I only managed to shoot down a Ravager while I'm down to a Tornado Speeder and a Vindicator that (thanks be to the Primarch) was able to hold until the last turn, chasing two Wych Squads off board. Too late for the crossdressers though as his uncontested Warriors hugged two markers for a win. Dark Eldars won!
Game 4: Gelo (Speed Freakz) vs. Ronald (Speed Freakz)
Scenario: Senseless Killing (500pt)
Exhibition game as Ronald and Gelo divided the 1000pt greenskin speed addicts into two 500'ers.
I've updated my Battle Statistics link to reflect my game results here.
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 11:07 AM             