Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Gladiator Cup 2005 (Games 4, 5, & 6)
Current Tourney Points: 82
I had a game against Jeff (imp_jep) and his Imperial Guards with Sisters of Battle allies last Saturday. Result is as follows:
Mission 4: Pitched Battle
Location: Neutral Grounds - Galleria
He chose where to deploy.
He deployed first.
He opted to go first.
Obi (1501 pts)
+400 points for occupying 2 quarters
Tourney pointage:
+14 (for winning)
+1 (for reducing his troops models below half)
+1 (for eliminating Heavy choice)
+1 (for eliminating Elites choice)
+1 (for eliminating Fast Attack choice)
Jeff (1125 pts)
Tourney pointage:
+6 (for losing)
+1 (for reducing his troops models below half)
+1 (for eliminating Elites choice)
Then, we had a rematch last Monday, followed thereafter with another rematch against Gelo and his Lost and the Damned. Results are as follows:
Mission 4: Pitched Battle
Location: Neutral Grounds - Glorietta 2
I chose where to deploy.
I deployed first.
He opted to go first.
Tourney pointage:
+14 (for winning)
+1 (for eliminating an HQ slot)
+1 (for eliminating Fast Attack choice)
+1 (for reducing his troops models below half)
Tourney pointage:
+1 (for losing)
+1 (for reducing his troops models below half)
*Now, this game was something to remember. I rolled five 1's in a batch of 8 dice! Courtesy of 2 assault cannon shots. The suckiest roll I've had in my gaming history.
Against Gelo...
Mission 4: Pitched Battle
Location: Neutral Grounds - Glorietta 2
He chose where to deploy.
He deployed first.
He opted to go first.
+6 (for losing)
+1 (for reducing his troops models below half)
+1 (for eliminating an HQ slot)
+14 (for winning)
+1 (for eliminating an HQ slot)
+1 (for reducing his troops models below half)
+1 (for eliminating Elites choice)
+1 (for eliminating Heavy choice)
*Demmit! I still can't win against those mutants. His list was just too fast for me. In the end, what's left with my army was a jumping Librarian and his "retinue" of two Land Speeder Tornadoes, hiding behind a hill and waving a "Keep away or die!" sign.
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 4:52 PM             

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Tamiya Weathering Master
Bought a Tamiya Weathering Master Set A and B last Sunday and I say TWO BIG THUMBS UP to the kit!
It's pretty much like a girl's kikay blush-on kit complete with the brush and the sponge tip but it works wonders, believe me! For "premature-skilled" noob modellers like me and those who have no time at hand to give their figs a nice weathering touch, then this thing is a must-have.
Check out this link for a first-hand look:
The brush tip is not working on me though. Maybe, it was meant for light weathering because actual results using the brush tip is not that discernible. Now, the sponge tip is perfect. Whether it is for infantry figs, tanks, or even bases, the result is always a thing of beauty. Weathering is now a store away from modellers who have been perfecting the technique for a long time.
Especially on me who sucks big time on drybrushing!
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 12:43 PM             

Friday, November 18, 2005
Gladiator Cup 2005 (Game 3)
Current Tourney Points: 39
I won against Ryan Chung (no_change) and his Space Marines - Salamanders Chapter last November 16.
Result is as follows:
Mission 2: Modified Recon
Location: Neutral Grounds - Glorietta 2
He chose where to deploy.
I deployed first.
He opted to go first.
Obi (2482 pts)
- this includes bonus points for units able to reach enemy deployment zone, and +300pts for eliminating his highest points-cost Heavy slot.
Tourney pointage:
+14 (for winning)
+1 (for eliminating Fast Attack choice)
Ryan (710 pts)
- no unit was able to reach my deployment zone
Tourney pointage:
+6 (for losing)
+1 (for eliminating Elites choice)
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 9:15 AM             

Monday, November 07, 2005
Finally, I was able to purchase another Space Marine Land Speeder Tornado. That will complete my maximized Land Speeder squadron.
9 strength-5 shots, 12 strength-6 "rending" shots... 21 shots per turn. Do the math.
*insert evil grin here*
I need two more multi-melta Landspeeders though for the tank-hunting role.
With it, I also bought a Cygnarian Stormsmith blister, composed of three Stormsmith figs, and a unit of Cygnarian Stormblades, which includes five Stormblades and a Stormblade Sergeant.
I only need a warcaster and another Stormclad and I'm off to the tables to play.
The storm is brewing!!
Off from Sir Lito's Forge World run, I finally laid hand to the all-orgasmic beauty that is the Forge World Space Marine MKIV Dreadnought!
I can't wait to field all three of my Dreadnoughts and see their influence on my list.
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 1:10 PM             

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Gladiator Cup 2005 (Game 2)
Current tourney points: 24
I lose against Gelo (Badbeef) and his Lost and the Damned army last October 31.
Results are as follows:
Mission 1: Lunar Engagement
Location: Rolling Hills Gaming Club HQ (New Manila)
He chose where to deploy.
I deployed first.
He opted to go first.
Obi (1041 pts)
- this includes the 200pt bonus for capturing a quarter.
Tourney pointage:
+6 (for losing)
+1 (for reducing his troops model below half)
Gelo (2440 pts)
- this includes the 200pt bonus for capturing three quarters.
Tourney pointage:
+14 (for winning)
+2 (for eliminating 2 HQ slots)
+1 (for reducing his troops model below half)
+1 (for destroying all my Elites choices)
+1 (for destroying all my Heavy Support choices)
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 10:50 AM             
