Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer 40,000 or simply Warhammer 40K is a miniature-based tabletop game. It involves building and painting your own miniature army and pit them against others' on a dioramic 6x4 or 4x4 feet table using a standardized set of game rules. Miniature armies come in various factions, from Imperial commandos to space-faring orks, each with its own background stories (what 40K players call "fluff") and combat units.

My army, a sub-faction of the Adeptus Astartes or the Space Marines, is of the so-called Dark Angels Chapter - one of thousands of regiments of bio-enhanced supersoldiers created by the Emperor of Man to impose his will throughout the grim universe of the 41st millennium.

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Dark Angels of the Adeptus Astartes
The Dark Angels Chapter is first among legions of Space Marines bred by the Emperor from his own genetic imprints. Enhanced physiologically for combat operations, they are literally Angels of Death in the battlefield, sowing fear to anyone who dared oppose their mandate. Their homeworld, Caliban - now reduced to a barren asteroid after an epic battle against their traitorous Brothers - holds the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery called the Tower of Angels. Here, deep within the labyrinthine pathways to the underground caverns, lies the key to their monastic nature. The Dark Angels hides a millenia-long secret that compromised their honor. It is with this reason that they and their Successor Chapters are called the Unforgiven.

The Workshop:



The Interrogator-Chaplain's Wargaming Sanctum

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Ten Years of 40K

This month, I am officially playing and painting Warhammer 40K figs for a decade already. Nerd round of applause! In commemoration, I painted Sar Dekada over the Labor Day long weekend instead of working on the other plasmagun biker as I planned and mentioned several posts ago.


Sar Dekada Akichita is the stoic sergeant of the second bike squadron of the Spectral Knights, the renowned assault formation of the Night Shades. On the expansive savannas of Nivajo Four where he is recruited by the Chapter Librarius, he goes by the tribal name Ten Year Warrior, an appellation he earned for being the youngest hunter-killer of his tribe at ten years old. He is a prolific huntsman of the Watchers and he earned his service stud while on an extended campaign to capture a Fallen Angel on a subsector near the Maelstrom.

This model is the Dark Vengeance Dark Angels sergeant. As with my other Ravenwing bikes, painting starts by spraying the model with two coats of Bosny black spray before I went on with the first round of detailing as follows...

For the rider:
  • All skulls and parchments are picked out in GW bone with GW sepia wash
  • P3 purple on the right shoulder pad
  • P3 purple on the robe's inner portion with GW light purple highlights
  • Scribbled scriptures and some free hand iconography are done in GW white
  • All Ravenwing iconography are colored GW white with GW black wash for highlights
  • P3 light gray is used to do the overall highlight for black (e.g. outer section of robe, armor)
  • P3 Khadoran Flesh for the head with P3 Flesh Wash for highlights
  • On some parts of the armor, I used a .03 tech pen for black lining

For the bike:
  • GW boltgun metal trims and exhausts, with GW black wash
  • GW white for the front-guard and rear aileron wings with watered down GW black wash
  • Holes are drilled on the exhaust ports and twin bolters
  • Scribbled scriptures and some free hand iconography are done in GW white
  • P3 light gray is used to do the overall highlight for black 
  • GW Technical Mud is used to do weathering on the tires with GW aggrax shade wash
  • Base is painted P3 Khaki

I'll go back to painting the other plasmagun biker next. For the Lion!

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 4:16 PM              


Never forgive! Never forget!