Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Apocalypse Megabattle - March 2008
Oberon sponsored this year's first Megabattle event for Warhammer 40K. Venue was at the RHGC-HQ in New Manila and both sides of the gaming table (four 6x4's!) amounted to 12,000 points worth of 40K armies!
We tried out the new Apocalypse ruleset. The mission was to capture three objective points in the table. The rest of the details are as follows...
Imperium of Man versus Chaos United
Imperium side:
Oberon (Sisters of Battle)
Jess (Luna Wolves - Space Marines)
Henri (Space Wolves - Space Marines)
Midnight (Titan Legion)
Ryan (Titan Legion)
Sigis (Blood Ravens - Space Marines)
Chaos side:
Romy (Dark Eldar)
Obi (Fallen Angels - Renegade Space Marines)
Adrian (Azure Dawn - Chaos Space Marines)
Lance (Khorne Legion - Chaos Space Marines)
Joel (Nurgle Legion - Chaos Space Marines)

The Imperium side has chosen "Ambush" as their team asset while our side (Chaos) picked "Flanking Deployment". As my personal asset, I've chosen "Orbital Bombardment".
Deployment of the Imperium players were pretty outright. Two Titans and a Baneblade took most of the right side of the table (right from our - Chaos - point of view) wherein there was a wider firing corridor. The Imperial armours were supported by Battle Sisters of the Ecclesiarchy and Brothers of the Space Wolves. On the left side of the table, the Space Marines of the Luna Wolves deployed a Baneblade supported by a trio of Land Raiders.
Deployment of the Chaos players were reactive... well... at least, for me and Romy. Adrian ought to go all-out Reserve. And when his Chaos Marines finally deployed, he scrambled em up all along the enemies' deployment zone. My Fallen Angels' armoured tanks hung back in the middle with Romy's piratical skimmers while the bulk of my infantry troops amassed on the left edge of the table.

It was a mass carnage for me. My infantry have picked off attention like Britney Spears kissing Madonna. The Baneblade on that side of the battle lose hell on them and when the smoke cleared, there were only a handful left. The Imperial Titans and the rest of the Imperium was busy swathing Adrian's forces.
The Dark Eldars secured an objective while my armoured forces secured another. My bike squadron continued forward, threatening the Imperial armours.
When, finally, the Azure Dawn was decimated to some couple of Speeders, the enemy turned its gaze on my tanks. Two titans belched holy ammunitions leaving a Rhino, a Land Raider, and a Vindicator smoking. My Veteran Squads and Terminators disembarked still claiming the objectives. The Luna Wolves became more and more busy with the coming of the Nurgle and Khorne Legion aids.

Out of nowhere, two Terminator squads were landed on the Dark Eldar side of the objective via a drop pod??!? Truly, a surprising move only Sigis could muster! To cap it, the raider squads opened up all projectiles it could throw upon the hapless Blood Raven Terminators before the Dark Eldar Wyches curtailed everything in sight and offer them to the sadistic Masters in Commoragh!
With two objectives already in Chaos control, the Blood Raven bikes zipped to contest the middle objective with the Fallen Angels. The Titan Legions, seeking blood and retribution, advanced forward and decimated the Deathwing Terminators leaving their only claimed objective open. A scoring unit from what was left of the Azure Dawn charged into it for a claim.
That was two points of objective victory for the forces of Chaos... times two! As Romy's personal asset multiplied it two-folds.
Chaos wins!

Thanks to Sir Oberon for hosting the game!
Thanks goes too for all the participants!
Other people who where there: Doc Benj, Arvs, Fred M., Pocholo, Ricky, Art, and Garr.
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 11:33 AM             
