Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer 40,000 or simply Warhammer 40K is a miniature-based tabletop game. It involves building and painting your own miniature army and pit them against others' on a dioramic 6x4 or 4x4 feet table using a standardized set of game rules. Miniature armies come in various factions, from Imperial commandos to space-faring orks, each with its own background stories (what 40K players call "fluff") and combat units.

My army, a sub-faction of the Adeptus Astartes or the Space Marines, is of the so-called Dark Angels Chapter - one of thousands of regiments of bio-enhanced supersoldiers created by the Emperor of Man to impose his will throughout the grim universe of the 41st millennium.

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Dark Angels of the Adeptus Astartes
The Dark Angels Chapter is first among legions of Space Marines bred by the Emperor from his own genetic imprints. Enhanced physiologically for combat operations, they are literally Angels of Death in the battlefield, sowing fear to anyone who dared oppose their mandate. Their homeworld, Caliban - now reduced to a barren asteroid after an epic battle against their traitorous Brothers - holds the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery called the Tower of Angels. Here, deep within the labyrinthine pathways to the underground caverns, lies the key to their monastic nature. The Dark Angels hides a millenia-long secret that compromised their honor. It is with this reason that they and their Successor Chapters are called the Unforgiven.

The Workshop:



The Interrogator-Chaplain's Wargaming Sanctum

Thursday, February 15, 2007

40K Mini Tourney and WW16

Weekday Warrior Session Sixteen

Da Boyz: Bozz Oberon, Grot Obi, Romi Baynte Uno, Webboy Kim, Krispi Arvz, Aspiring Champion Lunar, Elendril on Stockings

Da Grub: mikdonelds... lots!

Da Hubbub:

Obi (Dark Angels) vs Lito (Witch Hunters)
Take and Hold - Alpha

*i focused deploying deep down the middle of my zone and aimed all my dakka on whoever dared cross the open center of the board (where the objective marker is)
*Lito crept slowly towards the objective that nothing much happened on the first three turns except me destroying his Exorcist and some exchange of insignificant firepower
*on the following turns, he decided to push towards the middle. i was able to take down a mob of Zealots and squads of Battle Sisters with focused fire and ganged up assault
*however, his MVP Callidus Assasin grogged a whole Devastator Squad before being left out in the open... free for another round of focused firing on my turn
*the Assasin sent her last prayers to the Emperor as i did my dakka hail... to much waste awk! 2 lascannon tacsquads, a Devastator Squad, and a Sniper Scout squad were all that costed me to just kill that model. the inevitable last turns jinx made my day game again!
*daring not to think about the last turn jinx, i spent my last turn pushing everything towards the middle for an attempt to capture the objective. i could at least contest it with three units against his squad of Penitent Engines, Battle Sisters, and a Seraphim Squad.
*i could have won actually but the jinx strikes again... 12 Assault Cannon shots and 9 Heavy Bolter rounds from the Ravenwing Speeder Squadron failed to decimate two armour 11, open-topped Penitent Engines! araguy!
*Lito's last turn was a no brainer, he made short work on my exposed Speeders for the win

Result: Lito won!!!

Me... playing "zoom zoom" with my Ravenwing Landspeeder model


This coming Saturday, I'll be organizing a Warhammer 40K mini tourney in Neutral Grounds - Galleria. Five game, Swiss type with "Rules of Engagement" scenario generation will be in effect for the entire tournament. Arvin decided to toss in an army computation regulation to make the battle more "interesting".

Our aim on this kind of tournaments is to showcase the hobby back to the "public" so interested hobbyists and players would be informed on starting with the Warhammer system of miniature gaming. With it in mind, we restricted it to a small contingent of 1000 points worth of army - everything should be painted down to details. This will also encourage us, as players, to finish painting our armies as appropriate.

As of now, we already have twelve confirmed players with an interesting mix of armies:

Romy (Dark Eldars)
Owen (Witch Hunters)
Jun (Tau Empire)
Kim (Necrons)
Dick (Space Wolves)
Justin (Iron Warriors)
Art (Space Wolves)
JP (Imperial Guards)
Gelo (Lost and the Damned)
Sigis (Black Templars)
Adrian (Space Marines)
Ian (World Eaters)

Top dawg will snatch any Band J worth of store credit from Neutral Grounds. Entrance fee is at PHP150.

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 6:42 PM              


Never forgive! Never forget!