Thursday, February 02, 2006
Cox Wars: The Oakwood Revolt
I'm finally done with the fluff for the projected mini 40K campaign here in Makati. Gelo gave me a rough draft of the story and I just elaborated it ala Codex fluff.
'ere it iz!
The Oakwood Revolt
The agro-province of Oakwood... capital state of the backwater planet Laya Secundus in Makat Subsector. What was once a pristine breadbasket is now being ravaged by radical incursions as village after village on the fertile countryside were being razed to the ground for reasons undisclosed of its true nature. The local militia had suffered serious blows as vital military installations were raided by what was described by witnesses as "ruthless men in Imperial regalia".
True to the sightings, native intelligence gathered evidences that the Third Fespal Regiment has turned to side with the rebel factions. These Imperial Guardsmen were stationed in Laya Secundus several months ago as counter insurgency unit to quell the escalating tension that the guerillas were spawning. After some time within the murky battlegrounds on the provincial outskirts, most of the soldiers of Fespal Third have not returned to their Oakwood HQ and were never heard of again. As if an omen, assaults on the agricultural capital upsurged to incredulous instances on the weeks that followed. The rebels, like before, have only destroyed residential and commercial establishments, deliberately leaving the farmland and its precious crops intact.
Oakwood is the primary provider of "cox" in the entire subsector. Cox is an important grain hybrid which is a staple among the inhabitants of Makat. Whatever the rebels intend to do with the crops, the Imperium of Man could not allow an entire subsector's worth of resources to fall into the wrong hands.
He, who controls Oakwood State, owns the cox harvests. He, who owns the Cox harvests, rules Makat Subsector.
He barely heard the call amidst the chaos of battle just outside the makeshift Command Center.
"Commander Harkon!"
The burly man on the Planetary Defense Force's combat drab traced the source of the voice. "Here, corporal!" Commander Harkon hailed, trickles of sweat flowing from his wide-set forehead.
The agitated corporal rushed towards his PDF superior as another explosion racked the surroundings, debris and plasteel fragments dropping from almost everywhere. The young soldier interjected a yelp before mustering composure to speak. "Commander, the rebels have breached the inner barricades! They will be upon us any moment now!"
Harkon looked outside, past the charred walls of the Command Center and into the farm grid outside. Precision bombing has left the cox agrariums mostly unscathed while defense sheds were devastated. His men defiantly charged the frontlines while those farmers, who had the blind courage to stay, did their best to hastily salvage harvested crops before the evacuation call. He knows that eventually the farm grid will fall.
"Corporal, set off the evac signal. We are to rendezvous on the Southern Farm Grid," Commander Harkon ordered, then turned to face the nearby communication station. "We can no longer hold this farm grid," he added, mumbling to no one in particular. "It's best to fortify the defenses elsewhere."
The corporal snapped a salute before striding away to signal the retreat.
"Comms, any result from the emergency beacon?" the PDF commander inquired to the nearest communication officer.
The haggard-looking soldier consulted his datapad, then faced his superior with a frown, "Sir, no counter-signals has been received from the past eight hours. By the condition of our hailing beacons..." he paused in midsentence as another explosion sent shockwaves enough to slightly shove them off-balanced, "...Sir, we could only pray for the Almighty Emperor's mercy for anyone amongst his warriors to intercept our plea for aid."
I want the readers to “feel” the scenario as to how the locals see it.
Later on, if we already have the campaign players and their respective armies, iL create a fluff for each one (ie. on their motives on participating at the revolt, how’d they got into the scene, what is their stand on the conflict, etc). Dito papasok yung idea na kaya pala nag revolt because there were Chaos backing up the rebels behind-the-scene, Space Marines were responding to the beacon, Eldars (the weird faction they were) came out of nowhere to side with whoever they deemed capitalizing, and stuffs like that.
Watcha think??
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 10:49 AM             
