Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Battle For Oakwood Has Begun
February 20 is the official open for our mini 40K campaign in Makati. Here's my actual post of announcement to the community forums.
The Battle for Oakwood is at hand!
Campaign Map and Movements
- The campaign map will be posted on February 20. It will be divided into territorial grids where the participating armies can expand his control to eventually capture the main grid, Tower One.
- Each players will have a designated starting grid for his army at the edges of the map, randomly determined by the game coordinator. All starting grids will be equidistant to the main grid, of course. This represents the external forces coming in from the state outskirts towards Tower One to either aid the PDF's having a last stand in it or reinforce the enemy onslaught towards that vital administration complex.
- Players must have two separate moves to any adjacent grids per week for his army. These moves will be resolved simultaneously games-wise. For example, Grid A is only adjacent to Grids B, C, and D. The player should choose two out of these three movement options: moving from Grid A to Grid B, moving from Grid A to Grid C, and/or moving from Grid A to Grid D.
- Army movements should be declared to the game coordinator every Monday. Kindly send your movement instructions to him via PM, email, phone call, SMS, or psychic conference . Failure to do so means forfeiture of moves for that week.
- Do note that the game objective is to expand your territory by capturing eight or more grids until you reach Tower One and seize control of it.
Game Rules
- Following the rules in moving forces, the armies could either end up on an enemy grid or a neutral territory (unoccupied grid). If your force enters an enemy grid or a neutral territory with another army entering it, then a match commences between the involved factions.
- It will be possible that three or more armies could end up on the same grid. This calls for a multiple battle. The involved factions will battle it out on a 6x4 table.
- Regular games between two armies will be played on a 4x4 table.
- The format for composition of the army list is as follows:
*Games will be at 500 points. This represents the small-scale nature of the crisis.
*40K in 40 Minutes Force Organization chart will be used with 1 HQ and 1 Troops slots as mandatory choices.
*Allies are not allowed.
*No special characters.
*No 2+ saves of any kind.
*No vehicles can have an armor value greater than 33 ( front + side + rear)
*No ordnance weapons
*No models with more than 2 wounds
- You may change your army lists before the game
- All games, except for the main grid (Tower One), will use scenarios generated by GW's "40K Rules of Engagement (ROE)". ROE is an objective-based scenario system which gives players a random set of missions and deployment options to play with. Read more about ROE in this link:
Or you can download a copy here:
It's advisable if you come to play with your own copy of the ROE.
- Given the ROE system will be used, games will conclude to three different scenarios:
*If one side achieves its objective and the other doesn't, then control of that grid goes to the winner.
*If neither army achieves its objectives then both sides withdraw from that territory and the grid becomes neutral.
*If both sides achieve their objective, then that territory is in contention. Both players lose one move for the next campaign turn (one can potentially lose all the moves if there are a lot of territories in contention), unless one or both sides withdraw from that territory. If both sides leave, then that territory becomes neutral. Declaration to withdraw is done simultaneously.
- along the way, some neutral grids will not be neutral at all as the game coordinator have randomly selected grids that will be occupied by "surprise armies". Fluff will explain soon at the other thread.
Tower One and Campaign Objective
- If you have been able to conquer at least 8 territories and control an adjacent territory to the main grid called Tower One, you can opt to attack it. Play a 1000 point game with the following slots only: 1 HQ, 2 Elites, 2 Fast Attack, 2 Heavy, and 6 Troops choices. Mission will always be an ALPHA level - TAKE AND HOLD.
Should you lose the game or draw from it, you lose control of 8 territories (or until how many you control, if less than 8)
Should you be able to hold on to Tower One until the end of the campaign then you are declared Master of Oakwood and can either proclaim the glory of the Imperium or spread the foul stench of Chaos or expand the greater good. Whatever works for you
Deadline for signing up is Friday of this week (February 17) and official start will be on Monday next week, as the map will be posted and the first campaign movements solicited.
Post your armies here and confirm your attendance. I'll try to come up with a website for the campaign so we can have something to put every stuff on. If you've read the fluff of the revolt on the other Oakwood campaign thread, I also wanted to have all participating armies to have a fluff regarding the specifics of their involvement on the war. This is a short backgrounder that I can do for you. So either I formulate a whole new fluff for your army, or give me details of what you wanted to come up with and iL do the rest. But if you have something already done in mind just post it at the other thread. That will be the official Oakwood fluff and announcement thread. This thread will be used for rules clarification, game scheduling, fan appreciations , or just anything related to the campaign.
By the way, Warboss Gelo will be the game coordinator. I am thinking of creating a small "token" for he-who'L-sack-the-tower. Nothing big really. Just a thingamabob to brag around for winning the campaign. I'm thinking an objective marker will do. iL not paint it though... I don't have the time. Basta iL do something. Shak Boyz help!
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 11:41 AM             
