Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Gladiator Cup 2005 for 40K
*taken from the RHCG forums*
The Gladiator Tournament - Store Champions - League Tournament
Each store or outlet must have at least 8 registered players. A player may only register one army list per store, but he may register in as many stores as he wants.
Participating stores are NG Galleria, NG Glorietta, NG Alabang, Hobby Haven, and Pitshop.
Each store will only have one champion. The store champion is determined by the number of games he has won and/or points accumulated.
Each store champion will compete for a knock-out system for the title of "Gladiator".
Gladiator is a month long win-as-many-points-as-you-can tournament encompassing different shops with a minimum gaming pointage of 2000pts. The registration fee for a player per shop in the tournament is 500Php.
A minimum pointage of 2000pts is needed to play in the Gladiator tournament, but if both players agree, they can play at 2500pts or even at 3000pts. 3000pts games will be composed of two detachments of 1500pts, but they must be of the same faction, chapter, etc... All lists (2000/2500/3000pts) must be submitted upon registration.
All RHGC house rules will be implemented.
SHAK APPROVED rules and lists are legal.
During the regular games, these will be implemented; standard force organization, no army comp score, no sportmanship score, no painting scores, proxies are not allowed. Special Characters are allowed as long it does not need opponents consent.
Tournament proper:
Each player must play 7 games in 4 weeks.
Each player must play against a different opponent for the 7 games. A player may choose to play against the same player only once more during the entire 4 weeks but only if his opponent agrees to the rematch. A player is entitled to only one rematch.
Each player may only play a MAXIMUM of 7 games. He has the option of playing any number of games in any given week until he completes his 7 games total but each player MUST play at least 1 game during the first week.
week 1 is from Oct 31- Nov 6
week 2 is from Nov 7- Nov 13
week 3 is from Nov 14- Nov 20
week 4 is from Nov 21- Nov 27
Match-ups will be done by the event coordinator.
If you get a match-up, contact your opponent and try to agree on how many points you would want to play.
We will use the following scoring system.
Win = 14 points
Draw = 10 points
Lose = 6 points
If a player destroys any of his opponent's HQ choices, he will recieve +1 point eg: if a player fielded 2 HQ units, and both are destroyed, then his opponent will receive +1 point for each unit destroyed, which, in this case, is +2 points.
If a player manages to reduce his opponent's troop models (transport options not included) to below half of its total original number, he will recieve +1 point eg: if a player starts the game with a total of 30 marines, and they were reduced to 14, his opponent will recieve the bonus.
If a player manages to fully destroy ALL of his opponent's Elites, Heavy Support or Fast Attack options, he gains +1 point PER full option destroyed eg: if a player destroys his opponent's 3 Land Speeder Squadrons which comprise his opponent's Fast Attack options, the player will gain the bonus.
If a player wins by massacre (none of his opponent's units are left on the table), he gains an additional +1 point.
ALL POINTS BONUSES ARE CUMULATIVE eg: if a player kills an HQ and destroys all of his opponent's Heavy Support choices, then he will gain +2 points bonus (yes a massacre will result in a staggering amount of least +6 points).
The highest score for all 7 games will be declared the Store Champion.
All store champions will move to the final match of the Gladiator Tournament.
The Gladiator Finals:
2000pts for 40K. Knock out system. You lose, you're out!
The winner of the 40K Gladiator Cup will get a Wood Elves Battalion Box and the WFB Gladiator Champion will get a Tyranid's Battleforce, if the player is a registered RHGC member he may upgrade his Battalion Box into an Army Deal if he beats the event coordinator. Event Coordinators are Ian "Kim" Navarro for WFB and Arvin Tan for 40K.
Further updates will be posted. The stores that will participate in Gladiator will be annouced at a later date. Registration will start on October 5.
Missions for Warhammer 40K Gladiator Cup:
***Week 1 Mission: Lunar Engagement
Scenario Special Rules: This mission uses modified armor saves (as ammended below), modified movement (as ammended below) Victory Points and Infiltrators
1) Divide the board into four quarters. Both players roll a dice, the player with the highest score may pick which quarter to deploy in. The other player's deployment zone is the opposite quarter.
2) The player that scored the lowest now deploys one unit in his quarter of the board. His opponent then deploys a unit in his deployment zone. The players take it in turns deploying a unit at a time until both forces are on the table.
No unit may be deployed within 18" of the enemy (note that this means that a 18" move WILL NOT reach the enemy and 18" range weapons will initially be out of range). Players must deploy their units in the following order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, HQ and finally Fast Attack units.
3) Roll for who gets first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second.
Modified Armor Saves: Due to the threat of explosive decompression, the slightest hit from enemy fire may cause even Power Armour to be breached. To represent this, all armour saves are reduced by 1 eg; carapace armor which normally confers a 4+ armor save becomes 5+ instead.
Modified Movement: Before the game begins, roll a 1D6, on a result of 1, players fight in a high gravity environ, all non-skimmer/flyer movement is reduced by 1D6 and treat everything as difficult terrain. On a D6 roll of 6, players have a low gravity battlefield, to represent this, all movement is +1D6.
Mission Objective: Both Forces are seeking to clear the enemy from the area, securing ground as they go. This is achieved by controlling table quarters. To claim a table quarter, there must be NO scoring enemy units and at least one scoring unit of your own in the quarter. A unit can only occupy one table quarter - if it is spread over more than one quarter, roll randomly to see which it is in. A table quarter is worth +200pts.
Game Length: the game last for six turnsLine of retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, following the normal fall back rules.
***Week 2 Mission: Modified Recon
Scenario Special Rules: Deep Strike, Infiltrators and Victory Points
1) Both players roll a dice, the winner chooses which of the long table edges to deploy in.His opponent gets the opposite deployment zone, so both forces start along opposite long board edges.
2) Starting with the player that scored lowest, the players take it in turns deploying a unit at a time in their deployment zone, until all their available models are on the tabletop. No unit may be deployed within 24" of the enemy (note that this means that a 24'" move WILL NOT reach the enemy and 24" range weapons will initially be out of range) or more than 15" from their own long table edge. Players must deploy their units in the following order - Heavy Support first, Troops, Elites, HQ and finally Fast Attack.
3) Roll a D6. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second.
Mission Objective: Both players must attempt to get units into the enemy deployment zone and overrun their lines and maybe take out unattended heavy artillery. Victory points are awarded for each scoring unit in the enemy deployment zone. The deployment zones extend 15" from the long table edges. +300pts is awarded to a player if he is able to destroy or wipe out his opponent's most expensive Heavy Support choice. In case the opponent does not have any Heavy Support units then no bonus points are awarded.
Game length: The game lasts for six turns
Line of retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the long board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal fall back rules.
***Week 3 Mission: Strongpoint Attack and Assassination
Attacker's Overview: You are to launch a surprise attack an enemy strongpoint and eliminate it before enemy reserves can react. You have also been ordered to take out the commanding enemy officer as a secondary objective.
Defender's Overview: Your forces are holding a well defended strongpoint. Your task is to guard the strongpoint and hold off any enemy attack until reserves can move up to support you.
Scenario Special Rules: Strongpoint Attack missions use the Deep Strike, Fortifications, Infiltrators, Obstacles, Reserves, Sentries and Victory Points special rules.
1) Each player rolls a dice. The winner chooses a long board edge and chooses whether to be attacker or defender (unless an army special rule overrides this such as the Dark Eldar)
.2) Mark a 24" square area central to the defender's edge of the board, this is the defender's deployment zone.
3) The defender may position fortifications in his deployment zone, forming the strongpoint. He MUST include at least one bunker in his defences.
4) The defender positions his sentries. These are placed within 18" of the outside of his deployment zone. The number of sentires varies on the defending army.
5) The defender places his obstacles. They may be placed anywhere on the tabletop up to 18" away from the defender's deployment zone.
6) The defender deploys any of his HQ, Troops or Heavy Support units in the deployment zone. He does not have to deploy them all, but he must deploy at least one unit. The defender must deploy his HQ. Any units not deployed are in reserve.
7) If the attacker has any infiltrators then they may be deployed anywhere outside the defender's deployment zone. Other units must be placed 18" away from the defender's deployment zone. And forces not deployed at the start are in reserve.
8) The attacker gets first turn.
Orks: 12 Gretchin (Initiative 2)
Imperial Guard: 10 Guardsmen (Initiative 3)
Alien Hunters, Witch Hunters: 8 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (Initiative 3) or 6 Sisters of Battle (Initiative 3, Witch Hunters only)
Deamonhunters: 8 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers Initiative 3) or 5 Grey Knights (Initiative 4)Tyranids: 8 Termagants (Initiative 4)
Eldar: 8 Guardians (Initiative 4)
Space Marines: 6 Space Marines (Initiative 4)
Note: Chapters such as the Space Wolves with improved initiative due to Acute Senses only use 4 Space Marines as sentries.
Chaos Space Marines: 6 Chaos Space Marines (Initiative 4)
Dark Eldar: 6 Dark Eldar Warriors (Initiative 5)
Necrons: 10 Necron Warriors (Initiative 2)
Tau: Either 6 Gun Drones (Initiative 4) or 8 Kroot (Initiative 3)
Lost and the Damned: Either 10 Traitors (Initiative 3) or 10 Mutants (Initiative 3)
*Check respective codices for those not listed above or updates on the more recent codex*
Reserves: When the defender's reserves arrive, they move on from the defender's board edge. The attacker's reserves move on from any of the other board edges.
Mission Objectives: The attacker must crush the defenders and take out the enemy HQ, gaining +200 victory points for each bunker destroyed and +400pts for eliminating the defender's HQ. In the case of armies with more than 1 HQ selection, during deployment nominate which HQ will be the "target".
The defender needs to hold out until his reserves arrive and gains +200 victory points for each bunker occupied by his troops when the raid is over. Subsequently he gains +400pts if his HQ is still alive when the raid is over.
Game Length: The game lasts for four turns after the alarm has been raised.Line of retreat: Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards their board edge by the shortest route possible, using the normal fall back rules.
***Week 4 Mission: Pitched Battle
Overview: You are operating under a general order to not only engage and destroy the enemy where you find them but to secure the ground ahead, pushing on if possible to draw in enemy reserves. This is your chance to show your commanders you are worthy of independent command by winning a decisive victory.
Scenario Special Rules: Dusk & Dawn, Reserves and Deep Strike (see below for qualification), Infiltrators and Victory Points.
1) Both players roll a D6, re-roll ties, winner chooses which long table edge is their base edge, loser takes the opposite long table edge. The winner deploys the first unit, both players then alternate placing units. Units are placed in the sequence Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, HQ and Fast Attack.
2) Units may deploy up to 18" from their table edge but cannot deploy within 24" of the enemy (note that this means that a 24" move WILL NOT reach the enemy and 24" range weapons will initially be out of range)
3) After all units are set up, infiltrators are deployed. Roll dice to determine who places all their infiltrators first.
4) After deployment, roll a D6. On a 1 the first game turn is played with the Night Fighting rules in effect; on a 6, the last game turn is played with the Night Fighting rules in effect.
Reserves: Elite and Fast Attack selections on the force organisation chart may be held in reserve. Reserves eligible to do so may arrive using Deep Strike rules or by moving on conventionally, arriving anywhere on their side's base edge. The owning player should make a note before deployment specifying which units are starting in reserve and whether they will arrive by Deep Strike or not. No other units may begin in reserve. Drop Pods and Mycetic Spores may not be used.
Mission Objective: In addition to counting victory points conventionally during the game, both players score points for controlling table quarters.
Divide a table into four quarters, to claim a table quarter, there must be NO scoring enemy units and at least one scoring unit of your own in the quarter. A unit can only occupy one table quarter - if it is spread over more than one quarter, roll randomly to see which it is in. A table quarter is worth +200pts.
Game Length: Pitched battle lasts for six turns
Line of retreat: Any unit forced to fall back will head for the nearest point on their side's long table edge using the normal fall back rules.
Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 3:11 PM             
