Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer 40,000 or simply Warhammer 40K is a miniature-based tabletop game. It involves building and painting your own miniature army and pit them against others' on a dioramic 6x4 or 4x4 feet table using a standardized set of game rules. Miniature armies come in various factions, from Imperial commandos to space-faring orks, each with its own background stories (what 40K players call "fluff") and combat units.

My army, a sub-faction of the Adeptus Astartes or the Space Marines, is of the so-called Dark Angels Chapter - one of thousands of regiments of bio-enhanced supersoldiers created by the Emperor of Man to impose his will throughout the grim universe of the 41st millennium.

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Dark Angels of the Adeptus Astartes
The Dark Angels Chapter is first among legions of Space Marines bred by the Emperor from his own genetic imprints. Enhanced physiologically for combat operations, they are literally Angels of Death in the battlefield, sowing fear to anyone who dared oppose their mandate. Their homeworld, Caliban - now reduced to a barren asteroid after an epic battle against their traitorous Brothers - holds the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery called the Tower of Angels. Here, deep within the labyrinthine pathways to the underground caverns, lies the key to their monastic nature. The Dark Angels hides a millenia-long secret that compromised their honor. It is with this reason that they and their Successor Chapters are called the Unforgiven.

The Workshop:



The Interrogator-Chaplain's Wargaming Sanctum

Thursday, October 20, 2005

40K in 40 Minutes

Had quick 40K in 40 min (FNF) games with Gelo and Justin (O'Shavah) yesterday in NG - Glorietta 2. We started around 6:30pm and ended 8:30pm, playing 4 games in that night alone. We were using Gelo's "Rules of Engagement" mission scenarios and it was fun! No victory points... just accomplish your objective (which is by the way different from your enemy's) and/or thwart your opponent's.

I used this list for my games:

Dark Angels - 400pts (FNF)
Phantom Wing Recon Team

Captain (power weapon, bolt pistol, frags, terminator honour *DA mandatory... duh!*) - 97 pts
Tac Squad (3 in bolters, 1 in missile launcher, 1 flamer, 1 sergeant in bp/ccw) - 106 pts
Dev Squad (3 bolters, 2 missile launchers) - 115 pts
Ravenwing Land Speeder Tornado (assault cannon, heavy bolter) - 80 pts

And the results were:

1. Gelo (Badbeef) - Lost and the Damned
Mission: Hold the Line

My Ravenwing Land Speeder shredded heretic guts as it tore through Gelo's lines. Why aim for the objective if you can simply destroy the entire opposition. Result: Win

2. Justin (O'Shavah) - Chaos Undivided
Mission: Hold the Line

His mission was Lightning Raid which means he should run towards my deployment zone ala Recon. He had no choice. With his force composed of three Chaos squads and an Aspiring Champ, he must only footslog it off to my side of the table. Deploying his troops amassed on the flank, I only had my men stand the line and shower em dakka as they charge forward. I nearly had one squad flee but "nearly" was not just enough. Short of firepower against power armoured nemeses, they eventually overran my lines during the last turns, securing a win by objective. Result: LOSER!

3. Gelo - Lost and the Damned
Mission - Hold Out

Gelo learned his lessons from the first game. This time, he went with the subtler approach, scooting off his tainted Sentinels and mutants hidden behind area terrains. Already settled on my marker accomplishing my own objective, I now have only one more aim at hand - prevent him to attain his objective to secure my win. When I was starting to charge towards his line, he set up his mutants behind 4+ cover and bring forth Chimera dakka towards my way. The overwhelming odds of going hand-to-hand against a number of mutants and running the gauntlet amidst Imperial rounds prevented me to reach his lines as he hid behind strategic pathway to secure his mission. In the end, it was a deadlock. Result: Draw

Before my third game, Romy (BataIsip) arrived while Gelo and Justin were playing. Gelo won that match as Justin had errs on his deployment. Not bad for a rookie 40K player though. I suck "bigger" time than him during my first games with my army. Roe (matt_atknsn) arrived from NG-Galleria before I ended my last game with Gelo, and gave me two more missile launcher Marines. Ika nga sa tindahan... lista muna! Hehe.

I love bazookas!

Inscribed by Interrogator-Chaplain Randel on 1:10 PM              


Never forgive! Never forget!